

This sliding scale structure is based on your story and is intended to prevent misuse. It is also a way of connecting us as well as opening an opportunity to support one another.


  1. Tell your story. Tell it how you’d like, but be sure to include this information: - explain your situation, - which item(s) you’re interested in and why, - how you would use the item(s), - how it will contribute to your well being.

2. Please indicate which statement below best describes you and your situation.
Basic needs are defined as shelter, food, clean water, clothing, healthcare and education.
Resources are defined as income and private transportation:
  • 35% basic needs are met with unstable resources.
  • 45% basic needs and resources are indefinantely unstable.
  • 100% hardship and adversity has hit and candles are important to my peace.

3. Send all info through our CONTACT page or email [email protected] 

Candles you may like to purchase. Select all that apply and include quantity desired:
Glass Pillar
7” or 10" Taper
Bee or Dragonfly Candle
Face Candle
Mini Birthday Candles
Tea Lights

Please note, shipping is paid for by the customer unless otherwise noted.